Amiable Communications

Along with creating a new website for this amazing multi-hat of a human, we were tasked to photoshoot a million photos and GIFs. We LOVED doing such a personal branded shoot for Amy, and here’s just some of our favourite shots.

Natural light branded photoshoot 01

We did two separate shoots:

  1. in Amy’s very tropical Darwin home to get them werkin’ shots to cover some of her services that didn’t have dedicated branded images for

  2. Around D-town. It was the start of the 2020 Darwin Street Art Festival, so we we got some fresh paints into the shoot.

  3. In this branded shoot we also made a lot of effort to match outfits with the different aspects of her business, so every service had a picture of Amy doing the thing she loves!


Website for Amiable Communications 02

This shoot was part of a bigger web project for Amy, and we’re so glad it all tied in together to make a very Amy-isque website!

View the web project here

Amiable Communications Website

Amiable Communications Website