Top End Speech Pathology

Top End Speech Pathology is a clinic in Fannie Bay that caters to speech and swallowing issues. They run a range of specialised treatment programs for children and adults with throat issues and disabilities.


Corporate, but fun 01

Fran wanted a rather corporate styled website, but friendly.

We got new semi-informal photos of the team done (our friend from Minh Thang Media did the photos for the site!) then framed the pictures online without the hard square edges and went for something a little rounder.


Monotone blocks 02

We’re usually a big fan of as-is-coloured photography, but for the banners we decided on a monotone colour to make the words easier to read.


Incorporating all the colours 03

If you look at the logo hard enough there’s a heap of colour choices. Fran wanted to keep the colours intact, but 40 colours on a site would have been too many to use!

We kept to four main branding colours in the banner images and then used the rest of the colours on their services pages.

Simple custom icons + colours?
Love it.
