Ktima Heathcote Creative Copywriter

Ktima is a veteran journalist that’s just about to move into the freelancer space, so she needed a simple website, and some photos to kick start the adventure!


Advisory first 01

We love helping new business that can fill a space in Darwin’s economy, and new ventures usually don’t have a clear idea of their brand.

Ktima needed a little bit of help so we started with an advisory session where we asked a bunch of questions about her soon-to-be-business. Once she got a clearer idea of her personal brand, we went straight into the photoshoot. Some of her photos got featured in the final moodboard!

We went with the brighter palette to match her estatic vibes.


Short & sharp photoshoot 02


A simple website 03

Some things we added to the site:

  1. some custom waves as banners and in the website title

  2. free to use icons in the services page

  3. custom dot points

  4. custom mobile breaking to sit content better on mobile