Revival Fellowship

Sister sites 01

Perth & Darwin Revival Fellowship are sister Australian sites: they have a one page home page with events and blog functionality and the change of imagery and content gives the site it's own unique flavour.

The features a simple top navigation that links off to anchors in the long scrolling homepage to secondary pages like events and testimonies.


GDPR ready European site 02

Nederlands Revival Fellowship and Czech Revival Fellowship are sister sites in the same one page design. We loved the challenge of setting the content in a different language and dealing with the new GDPR laws with setting up MailChimp.

Revival Fellowship Netherlands GDPR ready Squarespace site

Worldwide site 03

We were lucky to work with like-minded Squarespace lovers Dave & Erin from Hawkswood Design & Photography in Bendigo (like, seriously, check them out if you're in Bendigo and need be-a-u-ti-ful pictures done up) to bring this amazing project to life!

Webb & Flow worked on the content and development of the site, and we're proud as punch of the final result. Check out the 'Find Us' page. 


Multilingual site 04

No Google translate here because custom translation was needed to express the right meaning. Check out the top right hand corner (even on on the mobile menu!) for the language drop down.

Needless to say we’re pretty proud to see how this has turned out!
