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Greyhound Rehoming Association NT Branding

Greyhound Rehoming Association NT (or better known as GRANT) project is quite dear to my heart.

If you've never heard of GRANT, they're a non-for-profit that works tirelessly to ensure NT greyhounds have a place to call home once they retire from racing. The Association is made of a small but strong community of Territorian foster carers and a small committee to help manage the incoming stream of greyhounds.

My rescue, who has been an excellent work partner.

GRANT needed an updated logo and a bunch of collateral items, and we were proud to sponsor this project for 2016!

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Updated and simple.

The line work portrays a bit of a cheeky character, and the tomato vermilion as an updated version of a rather standard red.

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See this content in the original post

We occasionally help out to take pictures of the puppers to help the adoption process!

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Read more about the website bit of the project here.

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